Here you'll find all game-related projects I've worked on, both complete and unstarted. Many of the hosted documents were not authored en totale by myself, but I did write a sizeable portion and in all cases edited for consistancy. All gameplay videos were played and recorded by me, unless otherwise noted.

Particle Panic!

Particle Panic! was the final project for my dev team Bears on Bikes at Full Sail University. The dev time was five months, the first two being for pitches and documentation, the latter three for actual development. I was the Asset Lead for our team and worked on the look and feel of the game primarily. We hit a lot of snags and created a lot of really amazing code because of it and in the end, we had a pretty awesome game to show for it.

In addition to having control of the users' sensual experience, I also did a lot of non-technical documentation work, writing and editing, and drew up all the concept art for our game. I worked with Phil Marunowski, our Art Director, to further refine our vision.

[Download and Play Now!]

Concept Art

Screenshots & Final Artwork